False beliefs about psychology and psychologists

There are false beliefs about psychology and psychologists among people. Suppose these misconceptions remain in people’s minds; it will harm their attitude and make them unable or unwilling to seek professional help to solve their problems. In this article, I will examine some incorrect stereotypes. To read about these misconceptions, click on the headings below for quick access to the content. The first part of each title is false, and the second part is genuine.
Answers to misconceptions about psychology and psychologists
1. Psychology is not knowledge? Psychology is knowledge
As I told you before, psychology is knowledge and follows principles. In psychology, experimental methods, correlation, etc., can be used. This knowledge is repeatable, contrary to the false belief of some people, and the achievements of psychology can help predict. You can study at the best universities around the world in this field. Therefore, it is a false belief that some people consider psychology to be a pseudo-science.
2. Is psychology simple? On the contrary, it isn’t straightforward
Anyone can speak their mother tongue, but is it easy to learn grammar? Not. People can read psychological theories on the internet, in newspapers, and other media, but scientific learning is a different and challenging task. Therefore, without university study, he cannot understand the various issues of this knowledge.
3. Is psychology self-evident and like general information? Psychology is not public information.
Some people believe that everyone is aware of the principles of psychology, And psychologists only remind us of these foundations, but it is not so. Psychologists have been researching and experimenting for years to determine the correlation and discontinuity between behaviors and psychological processes. Each theory and approach are proven or rejected after years of research and form the foundations of science. For example, we can mention Milgram’s test. People think that whenever the order is against the human conscience, the person refuses to do the given order. Still, Milgram’s test showed that the command could be strong enough for the subject to violate his conscience and do it.
4. Are psychology graduates therapists? Not every psychologist is a therapist.
Students in the university get to know the basics of psychology; They do research and experiments, but can they become therapists by reading theories and learning psychotherapy methods? I have to say no. If he is a psychology graduate, he needs experience and must become an expert. On the other hand, psychologists must also have a work permit. There are various branches, but not all are involved in treatment. For example, the duty of industrial and organizational psychologists is not therapy. Instead, they help companies and organizations increase employees’ productivity and well-being.
5. Does the psychologist only listen to talk? They don’t just listen to what you say; they look for solutions.
One of the misconceptions that some people have about psychologists is that they have a couch in their room that you can lie on and talk to, And the psychologist sits next to you and listens to what you have to say to get money from you at the end. Psychologists don’t just listen to you. They try to understand your challenges, failures, and sufferings through conversation. Then identify the disorder you are suffering from and treat it.
6. Can a psychologist treat someone with motivational statements? They can’t make you feel better just by saying motivational quotes.
Psychologists listen to you and ask you questions to diagnose your issue. Then they give you advice, but this is not the end of the session. The strategy of psychotherapy is not done by just saying some sentences. Because if that were the case, we would call them witches, not healers. Therapists can do psychotherapy based on methods such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis, schema therapy, etc.
7. Do they know people better than themselves? Psychologists know people based on what they say.
Sometimes people ask me what my job is. When I say I’m a psychologist, they say: “So tell me what kind of person I am?” I remembered that poem that says, “Until a person doesn’t start talking * his strength and weakness remain hidden.” Such people should ask witches instead of psychologists! Therapists cannot tell what kind of person you are without talking to you, taking a psychological test, seeing your behavior, or reading a report. As you know, psychology studies behavior and the mind. After meeting with you, psychologists can understand your difficulties and help you.

8. Is clinical psychology the best branch of psychology? Majors are not superior to each other
None of the branches is superior to the other tendencies because each operates in a specific case. Therefore, We can’t tell that clinical psychology is better than social psychology or that laboratory psychology is better than political psychology. The research results and work of each of these majors undeniably play an essential role in scientific growth and development.
9. Are psychoanalysis and counseling different from psychology? Both are types of psychology.
Psychoanalysis and counseling are types of psychology. But some people think that these are different and independent. Psychoanalysis is one of the practical approaches to psychology. Counseling and psychoanalysis are branches of psychology in the American Psychological Association. In addition, Sigmund Freud, in an interview with BBC radio, mentioned psychoanalysis as a major in psychology. (He was the founder of psychoanalysis).
10. Is psychiatry better than psychology? Psychiatry isn’t uppermost than psychology.
Psychology and Psychiatry are complementary, and we need both. Psychologist identifies, prevents, and treats mental disorders with psychotherapy methods. And the psychiatrist uses pharmacotherapy. So none of them is superior uppermost to the other.
11. Should we go to a psychiatrist instead of a psychologist? You should see a psychologist first.
Some people consider the work of a psychiatrist is more critical. These people believe that you should go to a psychiatrist first. But it is not so. As I said earlier, none of these is superior to the other. So, should we go to a psychologist or a psychiatrist first? First, you should go to a psychologist. He will identify mental issues and disorders. If you have a cognitive disorder, he will help you with psychotherapy. But some mental disorders also need medicine. The psychologist will send you to a psychiatrist to prescribe the necessary medication in such cases. So we recommend you always go to a psychologist first.
12. Can we be treated in one session? Treatment is not possible in one session; it takes time.
In the first meeting (clinical interview), psychologists identify problems and disorders and choose solutions for psychotherapy. How many sessions each person needs depends on a variety of things. We have to check what disease the patient is suffering from and how to treat it. Based on this, we understand how many sessions are necessary for treatment. So, the psychologist knows everyone needs a few sessions with a psychologist, not the person who came to him.
13. Do psychologists have problems in their personal lives? They face challenges in their lives.
It is a false belief to think that psychologists have a wonderful life and never face life’s challenges like others. They are also human beings. They also sometimes face sadness, anger, fear, failure, disappointment, etc., in their lives. So if we think that psychologists never get into trouble, it is better to call them God than psychologists!
14. Are psychologists psychotic and crazy? No, They aren’t.
To accept any opinion, we must examine the evidence to prove it. No research has shown that psychologists are psychotic and crazy, so this is one of the people’s false beliefs. Remember the doctor who treats the plague. Can we say that this doctor has the plague? Not. But if he does not follow the health instructions, he will suffer from the infection. So are psychologists. If they act unprofessionally in conversation and psychotherapy, they may suffer from depression and stress.
15. Do crazy people go to psychologists? Those who go to a psychologist are not insane.
Unfortunately, some people label people with mental disorders as insane. People with mental illnesses and various problems go to a psychologist. For example, we can mention those who go to psychologists for family counseling, marriage counseling, anxiety, stress, depression, or learning problems in children. Such things are not the signs of a crazy person. Every person faces such things in his life, and if he feels he needs help, he can go to a psychologist. So, just as we go to a doctor to treat a physical illness, we should go to a psychologist to solve psychological problems.
16. Shouldn’t you marry a psychologist? They are a good choice for friendship and marriage.
Some people think that psychologists in life and friendship treat others like their patients and think of them as their patients, but this belief is not valid. Psychics can be excellent people for friendship and marriage because they can behave well when you are angry; They have better empathy and secrecy than others and are good listeners. You can rely on such people because they know better ways to deal with challenges.